Ipswich, Queensland AUSTRALIA | Girls Day & Boarding
Type of School*: Co-Ed Junior; Girls Yrs 7-12 Religion: Non-denominational
Year Levels: K-12 Boarding Year Levels: 5-12
Number of Students: +/- 850 Student to Faculty Ratio: 10:1
Boarding Capacity: 100 *Boys accepted: Years K - 6
Ipswich is located in the South Western metropolitan area of Brisbane. It is a time-honoured heritage region of Queensland. View the Ipswich Magazine to learn more about this wonderful city. CLICK HERE
Ipswich Girls' Grammar School has offered girls a first-class, independent, non-denominational education for over 130 years.
Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School was established in 1892 and we are fortunate to have a proud history and many traditions. Our professional staff are committed to providing each girl with a positive, personalised, holistic education within our safe, first-class learning environments.
This School has played a significant role in the education of thousands of inspirational young women who have gone on to pursue successful careers in medicine, law, engineering, information technology, politics, creative and performing arts, business and more. We share our heritage-listed campus with Ipswich Junior Grammar School — south-east Queensland’s only co-educational Grammar primary school — allowing your daughter to start her learning adventure in Kindergarten and continue through to Year 12.
At Ipswich Girls’ Grammar your daughter will discover a sense of place and belonging and a community to which she will belong forever. The friendships made at Girls’ Grammar can, and do, last a lifetime and the bonds made at our school stay with our girls as they forge their own paths as confident, well-educated young women in a global society.
IGGS’s tertiary entrance outcomes and literacy and numeracy results are continually among the best in Queensland. As students progress through the middle and senior years, teachers use a combination of explicit and student-centred teaching and learning methods.